Fabbrica del Futuro: opening from May 27
We would like to inform you that it’s possible to visit, with free admission and no reservation required, the “Fabbrica del Futuro, that means Factory of the Future, an initiative of Confindustria Brescia for “Bergamo Brescia Italian Capital of Culture 2023,” an original project that aggregates widespread resources into a single, special realization to tell the story of Brescia’s world of making.
The “Fabbrica del Futuro” is housed at Parco dell’Acqua, Largo Torrelunga 7, Brescia, and it’s open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., until Dec. 23.
Inside the facility, thirty “business stories” are told. In the display, the enterprises will be shown not only as “companies,” but also emphasizing the relationship between “enterprise” and “undertaking”: know-how as a path, a journey between an idea and its transformation into reality.

The thirty companies featured were chosen through an Ideas Competition promoted among Confindustria Brescia member companies in September 2022.
These are the companies selected in relation to the 5 categories provided:
– BUSINESS CULTURE – Intelco Italia Informatica, Brawo, Gnutti Carlo, Fleming Tecna, Saccheria Franceschetti, GI Group
– RESEARCH AND INNOVATION – Antares Vision, Matchplat, Feralpi Group, Gruppo Grazioli, Fabbrica d’Armi Pietro Beretta, Infinity ID
– SUSTAINABILITY – Scao Informatica, AB Group, Marfran, Montecolino, Mori 2A, Rubinetterie Bresciane Bonomi
– WELFARE – Gefran, El.Com, OMB Saleri, Regesta, VGV, Saluber
– BUSINESS AND TERRITORY – Fedabo, Fonderie Ariotti, BBS, AQM, Ori Martin, Olimpia Splendid

The Structure
Inside a never-seen-before, totally sustainable space, companies from Brescia tell their stories with the languages of our time used consciously and in their full spectrum: the Metaverse, artificial intelligence, video and interactive totems, images and objects, which, with free, even curious symbologies and suggestions, inspire the visit, to discover thirty companies and their visions, their plans for the future: 2023 and beyond.
These stories in images are the result of an articulated and rich path of co-creation of content, initiated by the thirty projects and as many dialogues and exchanges of ideas, over the past months, in dedicated sessions of meetings and conversations. With one goal always central: to tell, to share these heritages and projects with an audience as wide as possible.

The metaphor of transparency
The metaphor of transparency, in fact, that is, of clear and bright communication, inspires this architecture/sculpture, casket and source of light, which also contains three plant creatures: to best express a new “bio-enterprise,” or more simply a human enterprise, that goes to enrich and innervate with content this special year for Brescia.
In the coming months, the “Fabbrica del Futuro” will also host a series of events. It will be possible to find out about them here > https://fabbricadelfuturo.com/eventi/